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unmonoqueteclea's last posts

Introducing valencia-now: real-time traffic information about Valencia

22 Mar 2024

valencia-now, a project that I announced a few days ago with great reception on X, is now public as of today 🎉.

Tags: projects

The technology behind Voilib

03 Aug 2023

Each week, Voilib diligently collects and transcribes hundreds of podcast episodes. These valuable transcripts undergo a meticulous indexing process, enabling a sophisticated semantic search capability. As a result, our users can effortlessly execute intelligent queries, pinpointing precisely the most relevant fragments of podcast episodes.

Tags: projects

Large Language Models (LLMs) as noise generators

30 Jul 2023

Allow me to introduce you to Jane Doe, a seasoned Software Engineer with 10 years of experience. Currently, Jane is exploring various job opportunities and has come across a few enticing offers that demand a cover letter as part of the application process.

Tags: ml

Voilib is now Open Source

02 Jul 2023

Today, I decided to open-source Voilib 🎉, the podcast search engine I launched in December 2022. You can now run your own instance of it and transcribe and index your favorite podcasts (or even your own content!).You can find it on Github or Gitlab.

Tags: projects

Learning about Docker Contexts

18 Feb 2023

A single Docker CLI to rule them all! Let me show you a little example of how I manage different Docker nodes.

Tags: Docker
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